Large Cap Value

Large Cap Value Equity Strategy
Overview: Matrix Large Cap Value is an equity strategy invested in common stocks and ADRs only
Performance Objective: Outperform the benchmark by 2-3% per year over a full market cycle, with strong relative performance in up markets
Research Process: Both quantitative and qualitative research are employed by a team of 4 analysts to assess the attractiveness of stock opportunities
Buy Discipline: Identify 30 to 40 Best Ideas based on attractive valuations, quality of their balance sheets, and the diversification contribution to the final portfolio
Sell Discipline: Sell stocks when stock prices are at or near their intrinsic values, the financial strength or long-term fundamentals deteriorate, or better stock ideas arise
Risk Management: Monitor and assess the contribution to total portfolio risk relative to the benchmark at 4 levels – security, industry, sector and portfolio
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White Plains, New York 10606
Information presented is for educational purposes only and does not intend to make an offer or solicitation for the sale or purchase of any securities and is not investment advice. All investments involve risk. Past performance is not an indication of future return. Investment Advisory Services offered through Matrix Asset Advisors, Inc. a Registered Investment Adviser with the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission. Registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training.